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Rechargeable Battery/Excitation Module for OMB-LOGBOOK, OMB-DAQBOOK-2000 Series and OMB-DIGIBOOK


Rechargeable Battery/Excitation Module for OMB-LOGBOOK, OMB-DAQBOOK-2000 Series and OMB-DIGIBOOK | OMB-DBK30A


1年保修 CE
  • Provides up to Six Hours of Operation for Portable Data Acquisition
  • 28 Vdc Excitation Output for Applications Such as 4 to 20 mA Transducers Biasing
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The OMB-DBK30A rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery/excitation module enables OMEGA’s
OMB-LOGBOOK and OMB-DAQBOOK-2000 Series acquisition systems to be used in remote or portable applications. Housed in a metal enclosure of the same size as these portable data acquisition systems, the unit includes durable, Velcro-style tabs for easy attachment under these units.

The OMB-DBK30A has two operating modes. In one mode, it provides a 14 Vdc output capable of operating one of the above-mentioned systems for three to six hours. In the second mode, it provides an additional 28 Vdc output, referenced to system common, that can be used to provide excitation for 2-wire or 4 to 20 mA transducers. At the same time, the 14 V output can power OMEGA’s portable data acquisition systems for up to three hours.

An internal switch allows the user to con-figure the OMB-DBK30A as needed. The OMB-DBK30A has two battery packs, each with its own peak termination charging circuit. The unit features a charge-status LED that indicates charging and full-charge status, and also provides a power-out LED that indicates external loading. The unit includes an AC adaptor for recharging. Packaging You can stack the OMB-DBK30A beneath an OMB-LOGBOOK or OMB-DAQBOOK-2000 Series portable data acquisition module, both of which are available with an optional screw-in handle. The result is a compact and securely connected data acquisition system that you can conveniently carry from one application site to another.
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Rechargeable Battery/Excitation Module